The Official Guide to Building a Referral-based Business

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Referral Based Business Success is all about three words: 

“Socialize, Socialize, Socialize.”â„¢

If you’ve chosen an industry where you have to develop your own clientele and maintain repeat business such as a mortgage broker, real estate agent, doctor, hair stylist, lawyer, or financial planner, then my book and these videos are for you.

For the millions of Americans who want to lose weight the formula is no secret: Eat right, exercise regularly, and stick with a routine.

The keys to a successful referral-based business are just as simple: put the relationship first, maintain contact, and stay the course. Over the years, the more friends you have, the more contacts you make, the more successful you’ll be. Put relationships first. And say good-bye to cold calls and expensive marketing. This manual is your complete guide to starting and maintaining a successful referral-based business.

Cezar Mansour – Author / Instructor / Coach